Vũ Hoang boosted
Vũ Hoang boosted

A system’s being “fail-safe” means not that failure is impossible or improbable, but rather that the system’s design prevents or mitigates unsafe consequences of the system’s failure. That is, if and when a “fail-safe” system “fails”, it is “safe” or at least no less safe than when it was operating correctly.

Vũ Hoang boosted

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away....

Vũ Hoang boosted

You should have to personally tell your neighbors and put a sign in your yard if you have one of those video doorbells, or any other kind of surveillance equipment

Vũ Hoang boosted

@whinybottom can you boost some of your Sonic content for @redcosmonaut ?? she hasn't heard yr impressions!!

Vũ Hoang boosted

I will never actually know what "Sans Undertale" is and I am one hundred percent fine with that

Vũ Hoang boosted

i need to book my train for my appointment with gendercare and i can’t afford it right now if anyone’s able to help me out??

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Vũ Hoang boosted

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